Made of Sterling stuff?

In News by admin

Sterling is unashamedly old skool when it comes to communication – even when using the very latest social and connected media. That doesn’t mean that we’re only in the market for archaic account handlers, crusty copywriters and antique art directors. We’re totally committed to bringing on the next generation of admen by instilling in them all the positive values that madmen held back in the day (and none of the negatives).

Although our heads of department are all age appropriate to our mission, we employ people of all ages at Sterling. We are firm believers in bringing on youthful creative and business minds. In fact our founder, Bruce, is a mentor at the School of Communication Arts, helping the talent of the future towards their goals. We just ensure that the work we produce chimes with our audience.

Talent will out.

We’re always on the lookout for talent – old and new – so if you think you’re the kind of person that would enjoy working with us, send us something that sums you up. If we like it enough, we’ll check out your website. And if we like that, then we’ll get in touch.